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The Family of God Raising Up the Next Generation.
TAG Kids is our children's department. We have a great team of people working together under one umbrella with one major goal - helping kids become life-long followers of Jesus. The kids learn about Jesus beginning in the nursery and continue to grow through Sunday School, Children's Church, Junior Bible Quiz, Girls Ministries, Royal Rangers, missions, GK outreaches, camps, etc. We are raising up the next generation of kids who will impact their world for Christ.
TAG Kids Church
TAG Kids meets on Sunday mornings. After a time of worship with the family, the kids go to kids church where they continue to have church in a fun, kid-friendly environment. We like to mix it up with some fun games, puppets, video clips, occasional crafts, etc. We have done some pretty wild stuff. We have a lot of fun, but the focus is on spending time with the Lord. We have an altar time for the kids to pray and experience the presence of the Lord.
Assistant Children's Pastor
Children's Pastor
Toccoa Assembly of God Kids Church
The puppets kidding the pastor.
GK Outreaches
Exciting events for the whole family. Fun, food, and games surrounding a powerful service. Many lives have been impacted by these events in an opportunity to serve the community.
Praying in the altar.
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